Many of us will be familiar with the abbreviation for the bathroom, but what do those initials actually stand for?
People online have been left stunned after finding out what the initials ‘WC’ actually stand for when referring to a toilet.
There are many ways to refer to the smallest room in the house, depending on how polite you want to be.

What does ‘WC’ stand for? (Simon McGill / Getty)
If you’re feeling a little shy or have company you might prefer the ‘loo’ or ‘lavatory’ if you’re feeling particularly fancy.
Those inclined to be more vulgar might announce they’re heading off to the ‘crapper’ or even the ‘sh*tter’.
There are also regional variations as well. Those from the UK might refer to the ‘khazi’, Australian has the ‘dunny’, while if you’re in the US you might say that someone is ‘in the john’.
Someone in the pub might also announce they’re heading to the ‘little boys’ room’, though admittedly that one’s a bit weird.
Whether you call it the porcelain throne, the privy, or the latrine, there’s one sign that you’ll often see on the front of the washroom door – ‘WC’.
But what does this actually mean?

A poo with a view. (JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)
The WC is actually an historic callback to before the bathroom as we think of it today was a thing.
Modern indoor plumbing has not been around for that long, and prior to that you had a room for just the bath.
@itsnathannyc explained in a since deleted TikTok: “Before indoor plumbing, we actually had a room for the bathtub, a bathroom. But the spout was outside. You had to carry water in with a bucket, heat it up, pour it in the tub.”
As for how you’d heat the water, why over the fireplace of course.
So that’s the bath sorted out, but what about the bog?
They continued: “Indoor plumbing comes along and there is already a room with a bath, the bathroom, so where do you put the toilet? Just put it in a closet, it’s the easiest place to put a toilet.”
So, the C in WC stands for closet, but what about the W?
Well, what do you flush with? And no it’s not ‘a great deal of force’. Water, obviously, so it’s ‘Water Closet’.

There are plenty of ways to refer to a toilet. (Alan George / Getty)
People were left shocked by the knowledge, with one writing: “I’m glad someone asked because I’ve been wondering this for years but never googled it.”
Another said: “Can’t believe I’ve been living with a WC sign and had no idea why it was called WC.”
Others weren’t sure how someone could get through life without knowing what WC stands for, writing: “Surely everyone knows what ‘WC’ stands for?”
Now, wash your hands.
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