Teenage Girl Vanishes, Reappears 10 Years Later on Familys Doorstep & Points Finger at Stepfather – Story of the Day

Laura wakes up after a business trip and notices her daughter is missing. She starts searching for her daughter. Ten years later, the daughter appears on their doorstep and tells the whole truth.

Laura woke up, still feeling exhausted. Beside her, Richard, her husband and Emilys stepfather, was fast asleep.

Laura peeled back the sheets and went to the kitchen like every other morning. The business trip had been tiring. Once she had prepared breakfast, she headed to Emilys room.

“Time to wake up, sweetie!” Laura started, but her voice trailed off when she noticed Emilys bed was perfectly made.

Laura checked Emilys bathroom, but Emily wasnt there. Weirdly enough, Emilys things were perfectly organized. Laura searched all the rooms, the backyard, and even the garden, but Emily was nowhere to be seen.

Laura knew Emily wasnt the most obedient kid. She had sneaked out a couple of times and even attended wild parties. But today, it wasnt one of those reasons why Emily was missing. Laura could feel it in her gut.

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“Rick, wake up!” Laura returned to their bedroom and tried to wake up her husband. “Emilys missing!”

“Let me sleep, Laura,” Richard replied, his voice groggy. “Shes a teen. She must have snuck out to meet those friends of hers. Relax.”

“This is serious, Rick. Her room is spick and span! This isnt like Emily!”

But Richard dismissed her concerns and went back to sleep. Laura was anxious. She went downstairs to the living room, hoping Emily would walk in through the door any moment, safe and sound.

Suddenly, her phone pinged with a message.

“If you want your daughter alive, bring $100,000 to the address below…”

Lauras head spun. She wanted to tell herself it was a bad dream. But it wasnt.

With trembling hands, Laura immediately called the cops. They arrived soon. She had just let them in when Richards voice boomed from upstairs. “Laura? Whats going on? What are cops doing here?”

“Someone kidnapped Emily!” she replied tremblingly. “The kidnapper is demanding ransom.”

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“Are you sure it isnt one of Emilys games?” he asked as he joined her in the living room.

“Of course its not, Rick!” she cried. “We have to find her!”

The cops, Laura, and Richard entered Emilys room.

“Anything missing from here?” Detective Harris asked Laura and Richard.

“The carpet!” Laura now noticed. “Its not here.”

“You got any idea about it?” Detective Harris looked at Richard.

“Uh, yeah, I took it to the dry cleaner,” Richard replied.

Detective Harris made a note. “Ill need the dry cleaners address, please.”

“Yeah, Ill get it. One second,” Richard said and left the room.

While the detectives looked around the space for other clues, Lauras phone pinged again. Blood drained off her face as she read the message that had popped on her screen.

“What is it?” Detective Harris noticed her horrified expression. She handed her phone to the cop, who read the message aloud.

“If you involve the cops, youll never see your daughter again.”

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“Lets drop the ransom, Mrs. Dennings,” Detective Harris suggested. “We can set up around the drop-off location. Its the best chance of getting your daughter back and catching the kidnapper.”

“No way!” Richard protested as he returned with the address. “Thats too risky. We should just give the ransom, and then maybe the bad guys will let her go.”

“But Richard, what if they take the money and run away?” Laura shook her head. “No. I think the detectives are right.”

Richard couldnt argue any further. It was decided: Undercover officers would be positioned around the ransom drop-off point.

As Laura drove to the drop-off point with the ransom money, she only thought of Emily. She just wanted her back. She wanted her baby girl home.

Laura parked near the park the kidnapper had mentioned. Then, following his directions, she walked over to the oak tree in the parks center and placed the money there.

As Laura returned to her car, she positioned her rearview mirror to keep a vigilant watch on the drop site.

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Detective Harris, in a nondescript jacket and jeans, signaled at her from across the street that the cops were positioned. Lauras heart pounded every time she looked into the rearview mirror. She couldnt wait for the kidnapper to show up.

But day turned into night, and no one ever came. The children playing there left the park, and soon, it stood abandoned again. Detective Harris approached her window, and she rolled it down.

“I think its time you should head home, Mrs. Dennings. Perhaps the kidnapper changed his mind.”

Laura was crushed. How could the kidnapper not show up? Did he get a hint about the undercover cops? The drive home was a blur for Laura. As she returned to Emilys room, she saw the carpet was back. Richard stood there, his eyes bearing a strange relief.

“Doesnt the carpet look like its new?” he asked.

Laura kneeled to run her fingers on the carpet. Emily had chosen it herself several months ago. She was so excited when they brought it home.

“How could it be so new?” Laura blurted.

“A good cleaner can do wonders, honey,” Richard replied quickly, almost too quickly. And it was then a doubt crept into Lauras mind. But the grief of her missing daughter was too deep to dwell on anything else.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

Ten years passed. The cops closed the case because there were no leads. Everyone seemed to have moved on from Emilys disappearance, but Laura hadnt. She entered an advertising office, clutching her daughters photographs. They had turned a pale yellow, and the edges of some were worn.

Laura approached a woman at the front desk. “Id like to rent some banners,” Laura said.

“Sure,” the woman, Jenna, smiled. “How many would you want?”

“As many as I can afford.”

Jenna listened patiently as Laura explained about Emilys disappearance. They settled on three banners placed along the busiest highways in the area. Jenna offered a compassionate discount, touched by Lauras story, which she had pieced together from Lauras brief, poignant explanations.

The design was simple—a blown-up version of Emilys photograph, her smile frozen in time, and the words “Forever missed, forever loved” in bold, impossible-to-ignore letters. Beneath that, “If you know something, say something,” followed by a hotline number.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

Every time Laura looked at those billboards, a spark of hope ignited in her. Her friends and family thought the advertisements were meant to provide her with peace. But Laura didnt need peace. She wanted her daughter.

Laura hoped someone would call her and tell her Emily was found. As days passed, she did receive a lot of calls. But it was just those well-wishers.

One day, Richard just lost it. “All our savings are gone, Laura! Just because you plastered her face all across the city!”

“So?” Laura retorted. “What do you expect me to do, Richard? Just forget about our daughter? I want to keep her memory alive!”

Laura and Richards argument was cut short by a sudden knock on the door. Huffing, Laura approached her front door and answered. A young girl stood on the doorstep, and she didnt have to speak a word for Laura to recognize her.

Laura threw her arms open around the girl and hugged her. “Emily, oh, youre back!”

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For illustration purposes | Source: Pexels

“Yeah, Mom! Im home!” Emily replied as the two stood hugging each other. Then Emily pulled away and raised her one arm to show the carpet she was holding. “This was all I had, Mom,” she said. “And I kept it.”

“Whos there?” Richards loud voice boomed from the inside. His face went pale when he approached the front door and looked at Emily.

“Whats wrong, Richard?” Emily sneered. “You see a ghost? Hes the one responsible for my disappearance, Mom!” Emily pointed at Richard.

“What? Thats nonsense!” Richard cried in his defense.

“Come inside, Emily,” Laura said. As Emily entered, Laura closed the front door. She looked from her daughter to her husband. What was going on?

“Shes lying, Laura!” Richard yelled. “Dont listen to her! Shes trying to tear us apart!”

“Tell me everything, Emily!” Laura insisted, ignoring Richard.

Ten years ago…

Laura was away on a work trip for a week. When Emily returned from school, Richard was sprawled on the living room couch, watching TV.

“Hey, kiddo!” he said as he sat up. “How was school?”

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“It was fine,” Emily replied and was about to head to her room, but Richard insisted she join him for TV. “I could use some company,” he said. “And its your favorite show.”

Emily hesitantly sat beside Richard. At first, she didnt suspect something was wrong. But then, she became aware of Richard touching her skirts hem. “Nice skirt,” he commented. Emilys heart thumped in her chest. She managed to say thanks.

She tried to focus on the TV show, but it was too hot. She began unbuttoning her shirt when her fingers brushed against Richard. “Let me help you,” he said, then ran his fingers along her neck.

“Ive got it,” Emily said and pulled away. But Richard didnt take her hint. He insisted that she come closer to him so that she could watch the TV properly. “Come on, Emily. Youve grown, and its not like you dont want me,” he said.

Emily freaked out. “Get away!” she yelled. “Ive got to do my homework!”

Suddenly, their neighbors Beagle barked, distracting Richard. Emily got the chance to escape and dashed to her bedroom.

She was terrified and disgusted, but she felt safe here. But it wasnt long before her peace was disrupted.

Richard entered the room, a broad grin on his face. “You dont need to be scared, Emily!” He smirked.

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“What are you doing here? Get out! This is my room!” she cried. “Leave, Richard, or Ill tell Mom everything!”

Richard burst out laughing. “And who do you think shell believe? A grown man or her over-imaginative daughter?”

“Shell believe me! I know my mom!” Emily confidently yelled. Her gaze then traveled to the cell phone resting on her bedside table.

Richards face contorted with anger. “No calls!” he bellowed. In a sudden move, he reached out to push her away from the phone. Emily was about to grab it and ended up losing her balance.

The room spun, and she felt a sharp pain at the back of her head. The wooden corner of the table had dealt a blow, and the world went black for Emily.

When Richard noticed the puddle of blood under Emilys head, he panicked. He had to think fast. Richard didnt even check if she was alive.

He wrapped her body in the carpet, dumped it in his trunk, and then drove out of town. Richard tossed her body into a river, thinking it was Emilys end. He then returned home and cleaned Emilys room so nobody doubted him.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock


“A couple of fishermen found me, Mom,” Emily continued. “I was in a neighboring town. A kind family there took me in. They also tried to find my family, but I didnt remember my past. It was only when I returned here and saw my face on the billboards that I recalled everything—My home, you, and the terrible…night!”

“Stop it, Emily! Youre accusing me after all I have done for you guys?” Richard screamed.

Laura had had enough. She would not fall for Richards lies anymore.

Laura called the police, and Richard was taken to the police station. A DNA test was also conducted to see if the blood stain on the carpet matched Emilys blood, and it did.

Richard finally surrendered when the DNA results came out and confessed that he wanted his wifes money, which is why he pretended to be a kidnapper.

Months later, the court sentenced Richard to prison. Emily and Laura were finally free, and now they had each other.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someones life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.


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