Woman bought $1,900,000 home on cruise ship where residents vote on where to go next

The woman is excited to set sail on the trip of a lifetime

A woman is expecting her retirement to be a great adventure as she confirms she has just spent millions on a home on a cruise ship that sails the world.

When it comes to retirement, many opt for living in the same home or moving to a retirement home, but an Arizona woman has more wild ideas.

63-year-old Count Debra Kilgore has just bought a $1.9 million home for her retirement.Now, you would be forgiven for thinking she has brought a rather lavish mansion or some other rich person home, but that isn’t the case.

Instead, Debra opted to buy a home on a cruise ship that sails the world, with the added benefit being that the residents actually vote on where it sails to next.

Speaking to Realtor, Debra also noted that she is doing this alone, something she has always found ‘easy’ since growing up as an only child.

She said: “I’m really looking forward to being on the ship by myself.

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