Remembering every individual who died 23 years ago in the 9/11 attacks

Today, on the 23rd anniversary of the tragic September 11 attacks against the United States, we remember the individuals who lost their lives that day in 2001.

The 9/11 attacks remain the single deadliest terrorist attack on American soil. And more than two decades on, the impact of that day continues to shape national and global policies, as well as shaping the lives of so many individuals affected by the attacks.

Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the attacks. Credit: Diana Robinson Photography / Getty

On that devastating day, 2,977 individuals lost their lives in a horrifying spectacle of terror and violence.

As well as the innocent civilians who lost their lives, the toll on first responders was particularly devastating – as 9/11 marks the highest number of line-of-duty deaths ever recorded in a single day in US history.

The New York City Fire Department alone suffered the loss of 343 heroes from its ranks. According to the 9/11 Commission, an additional 23 New York City police officers and 37 Port Authority officers made the ultimate sacrifice, rushing into peril to save others.

The ramifications extended beyond the immediate loss of life, as a staggering 25,000 people were also injured during the attacks.

To this day, thousands are still being impacted by health repercussions, with the FDNY revealing last year that an additional 43 names were added to the World Trade Center Memorial Wall, honoring the firefighters, paramedics, and support staff who have succumbed to illnesses directly linked to their heroic actions during the 9/11 rescue and recovery efforts.

Today, we remember those lost in the September 11 attacks. Credit: Spencer Platt / Getty

Now, we once again pay our deepest respects to those who were taken from us on September 11, 2001. Here are the names of those who died 23 years ago today:

List of World Trade Center victims: 

Gordon M. Aamoth, Jr.

Edelmiro Abad

Maria Rose Abad

Andrew Anthony Abate

Vincent Abate

Laurence Christopher Abel

William F. Abrahamson

Richard Anthony Aceto

Jesus Acevedo Rescand

Heinrich Bernhard Ackermann

Paul Acquaviva

Donald LaRoy Adams

Patrick Adams

Shannon Lewis Adams

Stephen George Adams

Ignatius Udo Adanga

Christy A. Addamo


Terence E. Adderley, Jr.

Sophia Buruwad Addo

Lee Allan Adler

Daniel Thomas Afflitto

Emmanuel Akwasi Afuakwah

Alok Agarwal

Mukul Kumar Agarwala

Joseph Agnello

David Scott Agnes

Brian G. Ahearn

Jeremiah Joseph Ahern

Joanne Marie Ahladiotis

Shabbir Ahmed

Terrance Andre Aiken

Godwin Ajala

Gertrude M. Alagero

Andrew Alameno

Margaret Ann Alario

Gary M. Albero

Jon Leslie Albert

Peter Alderman

Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge

David D. Alger

Sarah Ali-Escarcega

Ernest Alikakos

Edward L. Allegretto

Eric Allen

Joseph Ryan Allen

Richard Dennis Allen

Richard Lanard Allen

Christopher E. Allingham

Janet M. Alonso

Arturo Alva-Moreno

Anthony Alvarado

Antonio Javier Alvarez

Victoria Alvarez-Brito

Telmo E. Alvear

Cesar Amoranto Alviar

Tariq Amanullah

Angelo Amaranto

James M. Amato Joseph Amatuccio

Christopher Charles Amoroso

Kazuhiro Anai

Calixto Anaya, Jr.

Joseph Anchundia

Kermit Charles Anderson

Yvette Constance Anderson

John Andreacchio

Michael Rourke Andrews

Jean Ann Andrucki

Siew-Nya Ang

Joseph Angelini, Jr.

Joseph Angelini, Sr.

Laura Angilletta

Doreen J. Angrisani

Lorraine Antigua

Peter Paul Apollo

Faustino Apostol, Jr.

Frank Thomas Aquilino

Patrick Michael Aranyos

David Arce

Michael George Arczynski

Louis Arena

Adam P. Arias

Michael Armstrong

Jack Charles Aron

Joshua Aron

Richard Avery Aronow

Japhet Jesse Aryee

Patrick Asante

Carl Asaro

Michael Asciak

Michael Edward Asher

Janice Marie Ashley

Thomas J. Ashton

Manuel O. Asitimbay

Gregg Arthur Atlas

Gerald T. Atwood

James Audiffred

Louis Frank Aversano, Jr.

Ezra Aviles

Sandy Ayala

Arlene T. Babakitis

Eustace P. Bacchus

John J. Badagliacca

Jane Ellen Baeszler

Robert J. Baierwalter

Andrew J. Bailey

Brett T. Bailey

Tatyana Bakalinskaya

Michael S. Baksh

Sharon M. Balkcom

Michael Andrew Bane

Katherine Bantis

Gerard Baptiste

Walter Baran

Gerard A. Barbara

Paul Vincent Barbaro

James William Barbella

Ivan Kyrillos F. Barbosa

Victor Daniel Barbosa

Colleen Ann Barkow

David Michael Barkway

Matthew Barnes

Sheila Patricia Barnes

Evan J. Baron

Renee Barrett-Arjune

Nathaly Barrios La Cruz

Arthur Thaddeus Barry

Diane G. Barry

Maurice Vincent Barry

Scott D. Bart

Carlton W. Bartels

Guy Barzvi

Inna B. Basina

Alysia Basmajian

Kenneth William Basnicki

Steven Bates

Paul James Battaglia

Walter David Bauer, Jr.

Marlyn Capito Bautista

Jasper Baxter

Michele Beale

Paul Frederick Beatini

Jane S. Beatty

Lawrence Ira Beck

Manette Marie Beckles

Carl John Bedigian

Michael Earnest Beekman

Maria A. Behr

Yelena Belilovsky

Nina Patrice Bell

Debbie Bellows

Stephen Elliot Belson

Paul M. Benedetti

Denise Lenore Benedetto

Maria Bengochea

Bryan Craig Bennett

Eric L. Bennett

Oliver Duncan Bennett

Margaret L. Benson

Dominick J. Berardi

James Patrick Berger

Steven Howard Berger

John P. Bergin

Alvin Bergsohn

Daniel Bergstein

Michael J. Berkeley

Donna M. Bernaerts

David W. Bernard

William Bernstein

David M. Berray

David S. Berry

Joseph J. Berry

William Reed Bethke

Timothy Betterly

Edward Frank Beyea

Paul Beyer

Anil Tahilram Bharvaney

Bella J. Bhukhan

Shimmy D. Biegeleisen

Peter Alexander Bielfeld

William G. Biggart

Brian Bilcher

Carl Vincent Bini

Gary Eugene Bird

Joshua David Birnbaum

George John Bishop

Jeffrey Donald Bittner

Albert Balewa Blackman, Jr.

Christopher Joseph Blackwell

Susan Leigh Blair

Harry Blanding, Jr.

Janice Lee Blaney

Craig Michael Blass

Rita Blau

Richard Middleton Blood, Jr.

Michael Andrew Boccardi

John P. Bocchi

Michael Leopoldo Bocchino








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